Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Junk Van - Relection

A comment was raised in the meeting last week that really stuck with me since then. Someone mentioned that since our goal, of course, is to continue to grow and become more successful therefore anything sort of beginning to establish an IT infrastructure would only be an interim fix and we would find ourselves in the same spot shortly down the road.

I went into the meeting and went most of the meeting believing that Platform as a Service (Paas) would be the correct option for us and it still could be. However, I think we need to examine our long term goals closely before we move forward.

PaaS would suit all of our current needs. It could be accessed remotely and updated by multiple users. Easily customizable to without needing to hire IT personnel and cost effective. As we continue to grow as an organization is there enough flexibility to evolve with what our needs will become in the future.

At our current growth rate in a few years we will need something to accommodate even more users and more consumer data. As we push PaaS to it's limits will it be enough? That is why I suggest looking into the investment in a server based option with an IT professional so it is a seamless process as we grow and evolve as a company we can easily build on to the infrastructure we already will have in place.

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