In this case we were discussing Accenture and their IT structure. Accenture as an organization helps other companies build themselves into a world class organization. However, since they broke away from Arthur Anderson, Accenture needs to build itself into a world class organization starting with a strong IT structure as its base.
The consultants presented the idea of the ITIL framework. This framework is widely accepted and will provide a standardized way of working with activities, processes, functions, standards, and guidelines. This will help Accenture focus on continuous service improvement so they can take their company to the next level.
In the evaluation of Accenture based on the ITIL framework they had relatively high scores. They landed mostly in the A/B range unless the consultants needed more information in that area to be able to evaluate them. Some of the initial feedback in class took the perspective of "well we are already doing so well so why go down this road?" Which is a valid point, however this is a dangerous point of view.
I believe it would be essential for Accenture to implement this framework so as an organization they can focus on their own continuous improvement. While Accenture is strong now, they wouldn't want to become stagnant and complacent because this would lead to them eventually falling behind in the industry.
This article talks about how in the current economy companies can use the ITIL framework to cut costs and transform their business to come out of the recession stronger than ever.
While the investment might not be 100% needed at this time, if Accenture wants to uphold their reputation as best in class it's a no brainer to make the investment in ITIL framework.
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