Problem/Issue Statement
· 1-888-JunkVan is a fast growing junk removal business that needs a database to keep up with its needs. Currently they are using MS Works to track all of their commitments, invoices, and payroll. All of the information is input into the system manually by either the drivers, call center operators, or the data clerk and there was only one copy of the data base that was shared electronically between people. If there was an error in the database they would have to suspend reservations until they could locate and fix the issue within the database. Also, if there are issues with the data they could have missed appointments resulting in loss of revenue and damage to their reputation.
Situation Assessment
· This problem could affect the success of the company overtime. Since there are many options for the consumer and such a high level of price sensitivity JunkVan needs to offer superior customer service to set itself apart from the consumers. To cut back on such issues and errors with the information that needs to work with a system that fills many needs. The system needs to be easy to use for everyone at the company, it needs to be accessed remotely since there is no central location, it would need to be inexpensive to keep overall costs low, vendor support would need to be included since there is no JunkVan IT team, and overall it would need to help them cut down on the potential for errors.
List of Plausible Alternative Courses of Action
· The alternative courses of action for JunkVan are to implement MS Access, a Custom Application, Google Docs, Platform as a Service (PaaS), or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. Each of these options will address the problem in slightly different ways depending on the level of service and investment required by each option.
Evaluation of Alternatives
· The first option is MS Access. This is similar to MS Works that they are using now so it would involve a quick installation. However, it does not allow for remote access unless it is installed on a server which would involve a higher level of IT knowledge and support that JunkVan currently does not have. This option might reduce some errors over time, but doesn't meet all of the needs that JunkVan is looking for.
· The second option is to create a Custom Application. However, where JunkVan currently is in their overall structure this really isn't an option at all. There would be a high cost involved, it would take a long time to build/implement, and since it is a custom application there would be no additional vendor support which is important to the company.
· The third option is to use Google Docs. This requires little to no implementation time besides just transferring the data and has a low cost of use overtime. It is cloud based so it can be accessed remotely by multiple users at a time without causing issues with the data. The negatives are it would just be one giant worksheet with all the data and they wouldn't be able to manipulate the data the way they are used to and there is no back up option if one day Google just decides to stop running this program.
· The fourth option is Platform as a Service (PaaS). This is an affordable option that is easy to use and customize. There was hesitation, but after seeing a trial and seeing how easy it is to make edits based on your needs this could be a viable option. JunkVan would need to do some leg work developing SOPs and really analyzing the processes that are in place to see how to optimize PaaS.
· The fifth and final option would be to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This has an extremely high cost to implement and maintain licenses overtime. The cost includes services that JunkVan doesn't need to utilize so essentially they would be paying for a system that they wouldn't be using to its full potential. Plus it is a very static system and couldn't adjust to the changing business needs as JunkVan continues to grow.
Of these alternatives the option that makes the most sense is Platform as a Service (PaaS). This is the most affordable option that JunkVan will be able to optimize and use over time. They will receive vendor support when needed and the platform will be able to change and grow to match the needs of the evolving organization. This is the logically recommendation because it fits most of the criteria for making a decision at an affordable pricing option.